Session duration increased by 25% after implementing UX / UI
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Session duration increased by 25% after implementing UX and UI best practices

Updated 1/20/2022

UX (user experience) & UI (user interface) are not just buzz words. They are powerful online weapons! With the implementation of UX / UI, best practices Session duration was increased by 25%!

UX (user experience) and UI (user interface) best practices are really powerful. We recently launched a new website for our client which was designed and built with the best practices of UX and UI in the industry. What do you think? Session duration increased by 25%!

UXstands for User Experience. UX refers to how a user interacts with a website or app (where they click, which pages they visit). UX can be shaped by testing differences in page layouts, CTAs, colors, content, etc to improve conversion rates. Having a good UX is crucial to having a good business, as it drives repeating users and engagement.

UI Stands for User Interface. User interface is the area with which a user interacts with something through a digital device. Good UI should be fluid and easy for most people to understand.



session duration increased natalia Golenkova



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