Corporate Style & Logo Design
You may have heard the saying ‘ you only have one chance to make a good first impression’. In the digital world, we can rephrase this to say “you have one chance and not more than 40 seconds to make a good impression”. As humans, we are currently too overwhelmed with data that the attention span right now, according to research is about 40 sec. This means, you have slightly over half a minute to intrigue visitors and convince them to stay on your website or to move to the competitor. So, your business appearance matters.
We have one chance to make a first impression
Your visual branding appears on everything from your company website to your physical storefront to the product packaging and business cards. It is, for all intents and purposes, your company’s identity. Do not miss out on this powerful opportunity to build a powerful brand.
However, as you strive for creativity, remember to stay professional, consistent, and reasonable. Remember, Nike’s multi-billion dollar sports brand’s logo was purchased in 1973 from a graphic design company for a mere $35. (adjusted for inflation, that’s roughly $220-300 today). Not expensive, is not it? But according to the statistics about 80% of small businesses have a poor corporate identity and a sick logo – meaning it delivers a neutral or negative brand promise. If you have a compelling logo and a cohesive corporate identity, you are already standing out.
Can you think of Nike without picturing the Swoosh? When you think of the most celebrated brands you know, their logos quickly come to your mind. Consider companies such as Nike, Apple, and Lamborghini. You have to agree that they have quality symbols. Logos are critical communication tools for businesses. They communicate crucial information about your brand and help people develop a strong perception of your business. They can also help people identify your products and services. Every company must invest in its design.

Do you want your logos to help you stand out? Here are four tips that should help your design stand out
1. Be Professional
Being professional is the first critical step in designing an exceptional logo. Consider its size and the elements it must have. Resize it to medium size and ensure it communicates all the essential aspects of your business. It should be memorable and unique. You need to make it captivating so that it catches the eyes of potential clients.
2. The Logo Must Associate With Your Operations
Your logo design should help people associate it with your core business and products. While it might be challenging to determine the aspects of your business to concentrate on in your design, clearly communicate your message as you pursue your unique standards. Clarity might help you topple big firms that have been in the industry for a long time.
3. Choose Colors Wisely
Colors play a vital role in informing people’s opinions about your business. You must make the right choices to end up with a professional and stylish look. Consult the people close to you to get ideas for the design. Be sensitive to your field of operations. For example, use bright colors and exciting designs if you are a kids’ toy store.
4. Be Consistent
Consistency is critical for your branding efforts. Ensure that your message, design, or perspective are constant. If you want to make improvements, do not deviate too much from these goals in your first logo. Customers trust brands that are always relaying the same information consistently.
Checklist For Your Logo Design Company
There has been an influx of logo design companies in recent years. Settling on the right choice can be a daunting task for many people. However, the company you opt for must meet these requirements. This checklist originates from the valuable insights and experiences by the professional logo design team at DiMaCo Web.
- The logo must incorporate both the secondary and primary logotypes
- Use simple shapes such as rectangles or square
- Mount your logo on simple backgrounds
- It should account for your business card design prototype
- Consider your point of sale materials
- The logo should have your business letterhead
- The logo design firm must ensure it can generate the right buzz on social media
- Avail you their color mix and the fonts they intend to use
- Provide a final vector version of the logo (a vectored version scales to any reasonable size without losing the quality of the image)
Logos can be an excellent way for people to associate with your brand. To achieve this target, keep your design professional and link it to your operations. You should also select your colors carefully and be consistent if you want to earn the trust of your clients.
15-question Logo Design & Brand Identity Questionnaire
You can access our Ultimate 15-question Logo Design & Brand Identity Questionnaire:
- By following this link The Ultimate 15-question Logo Design & Brand Identity Questionnaire
- If you see the printed version of this page, please use the QR code:

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What credentials do we need to start working
1. We need 100%: 1.1. Domain name registrar credentials (name of registrar, login, password, pin) 1.2. Hosting (it can be the same credentials as a domain registrar or separate) 1.3 MYSQL 1.4 FTP 2. It is important to provide credentials (if you have accounts): 2.1. Google my business page 2.2. Bing Places 2.3. Yelp 2.4. Social media (FB, Instagram, Twitter, any others) 2.5. Any other 3rd party services you use online on your website Please take into consideration that we can start working on the project and be responsible for your digital presence only after all the credentials are provided.
How to choose the best domain name for your business and aviod common mistakes
The domain name you choose has a vast and long term impact on all your marketing affords. It is better if you can consider the domain name before you even choose your business name. 1. Short and memorable 2. Keywords in the domain name 3. Choose the right TDL extension 4. Use Hyphens No underlines between words when the domain name is long 5. Consider buying multiple TLD extension (help to secure your brand) 6. Consider Buying similar domain names (help to secure your brand) Do not forget about SSL certificate, Your website should be running securely (https). 7. A Decent period (one-year minimum) of registration with autopay is recommended
What is website accessibility compliance (ADA)?
A website is considered accessibility compliant when it is properly designed and built for people with disabilities, so people with disabilities can use them. Web accessibility encompasses all disabilities that affect access to the Web, including auditor, cognitive, neurological, physical, speech, visual. Making the web accessible benefits individuals, businesses, and society. Although there are some difficulties in achieving 100% website accessibility compliance. You can read about website accessibility compliance on, which is dedicated to Strategies, standards, and supporting resources to help make the Web more accessible to people with disabilities. For more info please read our post WEBSITE ACCESSIBILITY COMPLIANCE IN THE USA
Why don't Google My Business Pages & Google Maps Listings work properly during COVID-19?
During COVID-19 pandemic Google Limited Google My Business and Google maps Listing functionality. It might seriously affect your local SEO. WHAT ARE THE MAJOR CHANGES? Review replies are now available. New user reviews, new user photos, new short names, and Q&A might be paused and will gradually return by country and business category. Google is going to publish gradually delayed user reviews and photos submitted to Google Maps. Businesses might experience publishing delays for other edit types or when contacting support about these pending edits. Delays for publication of new listings, claims, and verifications for some types of businesses to Google Search and Maps. Updated for specific industries and categories. For example, changes in April 2020 for health care providers and medical professionals. What else should I do? Goole issued really useful sources to navigate small and local businesses during the Coronavirus pandemic. Please, subscribe to Google for small business updates and read Covid-19 updated.